• 出貨延遲通知:因公司年度盤點,6/19-24將暫停出貨,此期間之訂單將於6/25 (二) 起陸續發貨。如有不便,敬請見諒,謝謝合作。
Privacy Statement for Hsugineseng.com

Hsuginseng.com has created this privacy statement in order to demonstrate our firm commitment to privacy. The following discloses the information gathering and dissemination practices for this Web site: www.Hsuginseng.com

Information Automatically Logged

We use your IP address to help identify you and your shopping cart. Your IP address is also used to gather broad demographic information.

Registration Forms

Our site's registration form requires users to give us contact information and financial information.

Contact information from the registration forms is used to get in touch with the customer when necessary.

Users may opt-out of receiving future mailings; see the choice/opt-out section below.

Financial information that is collected is used to bill the user for products and services.

Order Forms

Our site uses an order form for customers to request information, products, and services. We collect contact information and sometimes financial information.

Contact information from the order forms is used to get in touch with the visitor when necessary.

Financial information that is collected is used to check the users' qualifications for registration, and to bill the user for products and services.

External Links

This site contains links to other sites. Hsuginseng.com is not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of such Web sites.


This site has security measures in place to protect the loss, misuse, and alteration of the information under our control. Hsuginseng.com employs sophisticated encryption and authentication technologies so that every transaction you make with use online is secure. We employ SSL(secure sockets layer) encryption to protect the information you send to us, and our Digital ID from VeriSign, Inc. allows your server to verify Hsuginseng.com's Internet identity every time you visit our site.


Our site provides user the opportunity to opt-out of receiving promotional/marketing information from us. You can send email to info@hsuginseng.com You can visit the following URL: www.hsuginseng.com

Data Quality/Access

This site gives users the following options for changing and modifying information previously provided.

You can send email to info@hsuginseng.com

You can visit the following URL: www.hsuginseng.com

Contacting the Web Site

If you have any questions about this privacy statement, the practices of this site, or your dealings with this Web site, you can contact: info@hsuginseng.com


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